Sudden illness claims Comic LO, doujin artist at Tokyo home
As reported by Anime News Network via the blog of manga-ka Raryu Kitamine, Yasuda, leader of doujinshi circle Yasudanchi, passed away recently. He was 24.Kitamine reports that Yasuda was discovered deceased at his Tokyo home after his parents failed to be able to contact him over a course of weeks. Kitamine also commented that Yasuda appeared to be in good health during early May's Comitia104 and during his May 26th birthday. The exact date of Yasuda's passing is presently unknown.
Yasuda's professional work was featured in the lolicon-centric Comic LO manga anthology magazine, and his doujinshi work included recent parodies of Haganai, Sword Art Online, with his artistic style lending a distinctive softness and roundness to his leading female characters. Yasuda's circle's last published book debuted at late April's Comic1☆7, featuring OreImo's Ayase Aragaki, seen at left.
Thank you again to ANN and Kitamine for the coverage, and to the Doujinshi and Manga Lexicon for the cover images.